the 11th
11 (eleven) is a very important number. And Faluk knows that. It is a prime number. And prime numbers are special.
Today (11th of March), Faluk has found a new problem to occupy him mind.
Is there another prime number (besides 11) that has all the digits equal (e.g. 55, 2222, 7777, 1111). As it can be noticed all the numbers with digits larger than one are obviously not prime. So all we have to do is to check all the numbers with just 1s. Faluk has already found the answer with the help of his little enemy - THE COMPUTER.
Good for you Faluk, it is not a solution that will solve the world, but I guess it must be fun.
Today (11th of March), Faluk has found a new problem to occupy him mind.
Is there another prime number (besides 11) that has all the digits equal (e.g. 55, 2222, 7777, 1111). As it can be noticed all the numbers with digits larger than one are obviously not prime. So all we have to do is to check all the numbers with just 1s. Faluk has already found the answer with the help of his little enemy - THE COMPUTER.
Good for you Faluk, it is not a solution that will solve the world, but I guess it must be fun.
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