Thursday, March 10, 2005

The next day

This morning Faluk woke up into a rainy morning with a pinch of snow. He smiled, put on his green trousers and red t-shirt, and walked to the kitchen to have some breakfast.

In the kitchen there was his friend, a pink elephant named Wally, who was desperately waiting for Faluk to wake up.
Faluk: "What is wrong."
Wally: "Well, where should I start?"
aluk: "Usually it is good, if you start at the beginning. And please speak fast, because I am quite hungry."
Wally: "The thing is that ..." (looks sadly to the ceiling with tears in his eyes) "oh, nevermind..."
Faluk: "No, no! You are not going to get away with it! Now you got me interested."
Wally: "I came to ask you a BIG favour."
Faluk: "I have no money left, my friend, I spent it all on ... hedonism"
Wally: "
I see. Oh, it was worth to try. I am running now."
Faluk: "
Have a nice day. A big hug to your wife Dolly."
Wally: "
Thanks, pleasant day to you too."

This was the most exciting thing that happened to Faluk today. After the meeting with Wally he had a nice and healthy breakfast, and read the morning news. The news were mostly sad, so he stopped reading and watched the birds for a while. The birds are very happy today. So is Faluk.


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